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Chapter and Verse Page 9

  “Sounds to me like you’ve done your research pretty thoroughly.”

  “I’ve gotten to know them and I like all three. You will too, wait and see. Just for your info, we have to share a room. Are you down with that?”

  “Won’t be the first time, no problem.”

  “Funny, that’s what I said.”

  I told her the details and we decided that she’d spend Thursday night with me so that we were both ready to leave on Friday morning.

  Deacon called promptly at seven a.m. and we were ready. We walked to the parking garage and he bleeped a Jeep Cherokee. I had no clue he owned anything remotely like it and my surprise must have shown on my face. After stowing our luggage in the back, Mel’ climbed into the backseat and I took the passenger seat. Deacon started the engine and pulled into traffic.

  He told us that trip was a little over two hours and we settled in for the ride. Once we were out of the worst of the traffic he reached over and squeezed my hand. Mel’ was doing something with her iPad, ignoring us completely.

  “Were you surprised I owned a Jeep?”

  I smiled at him and he released my hand.

  “I was actually. You don’t seem like the jeep type.”

  “It’s fun to surprise you every now and again Ms. Lincoln. I like that look on you. I bought it because in the winter my folks’ place can be difficult to get to sometimes. The four-wheel-drive comes in handy.”

  “Fair enough. I’d like to get a jeep someday. Something like this would be nice. When I buy the place in the country, it’s at the top of my list.”

  He looked over at me and smiled.

  “You have a list?”

  “I most certainly do.”

  “What’s on it?”

  Why did I feel shy all of a sudden? I’d never discussed my list with anyone and here I was blabbing away with Deacon. I was beginning to understand how he made big business deals. He had a way of making people relax around him and then, “Wham!”, you were sucked into his vortex and babbling like a brook. I had to find a way of including that little gem in the book somehow. I decided to try and divert his attention.

  “Don’t you have a list?”

  “Not really. I’m more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of guy. Back to your list. What’s on your list Dor’?”

  So much for diversion...

  “Not a whole lot. I’d like an old farmhouse in the country on a bit of land. Maybe a dog running around to keep me company and a Jeep with a snow plow attachment. That would be cool.”

  “What about love?”

  “Quoting Heart lyrics now Deacon?”

  He looked at me and narrowed his eyes before returning them to the road.

  “I’m serious. I’d pegged you for taking the vows and ponying up the two kids five years in.”

  “It’s hard to take the vows with a golden retriever named Spock.”

  He took my hand and pulled it to the center console, but he didn’t release it.

  “Come on babe. Don’t sell yourself short. If anyone can teach Spock how to recite wedding vows, it’s you. You’re resourceful like that.”

  I jerked my hand away and I got the full on dimpled grin. I sincerely wish he’d quit doing that. Those dimples were gonna be the death of me.

  I turned my head away from him and stared out the window, watching the scenery change from traffic and ugly gray buildings to mini malls to sparse countryside. He let me stew, lost in my thoughts. When he spoke, it startled me I jumped a little in my seat.

  “Ladies, we’re here.”

  He turned through the open gate of a sturdy metal fence and drove down a long gravel driveway. He had no way of knowing that I was staring at my dream house. It grew more perfect the closer we got.

  He pulled up into the grass of the front yard. There was another Jeep, a ten year old pickup truck, and a Honda Pilot parked in the actual driveway. I could barely see a two car garage, obviously newer than the lovely old house, parked to the side and behind. Spock didn’t live there, but that could be easily remedied.

  We got out and I couldn’t tear my eyes from it. The wide porch had the old-fashioned glider style furniture and two wooden rocking chairs. The house was white with forest green shutters and a forest green door with three little windows in a fan formation at the top. There was a picture window with lace curtains as well and I was absolutely positive at that moment that I would love his mother.

  When I turned towards him, it must have shown in my eyes because his face softened and he smiled at me with our luggage in his hands. He led the way up the porch steps to the front door, Melody and I close behind. He turned to me before he put down the suitcases and reached for the doorknob.

  “Wait until you see the inside.”

  He opened the door to multiple voices coming from somewhere inside and I just knew everyone was in the kitchen. When you owned a house like this, that had to be where everyone eventually ended up.

  Deacon put the three suitcases down at the foot of the stairs and kept on going. Mel’ and I followed obediently. As he drew closer to the laughter and conversation, his smile grew and his posture relaxed. Deacon was home.

  “Everyone watch your language, the ladies are here.”

  I smiled and slugged him playfully on the shoulder while Melody tried to find a way to close her mouth at the site before her.

  Deacon greeted his mother first in a mammoth hug in which he picked her up and twirled her around. She laughed and he greeted his father with no less enthusiasm. His family appeared to be huggers, another piece of the Deacon Sloan puzzle fell into place. This explained the hugs and hand holding. He came by his touchy-feely nature honestly.

  My sister and I stood on the periphery watching the family greeting one another, neither one of us inclined to make our presence obvious for a moment or two. I feel bad saying this, but I’d completely forgotten about Melody until she leaned over and said, “I don’t know which one’s yummier. May I try both? Please?”

  The blinking thing started and I couldn’t control it. I leaned back and whispered, “Behave yourself young lady.” She giggled and all eyes came to us. The spell was broken and I knew what it was like to be a rabbit surrounded by wolves.

  Surprise gave way to grins and I actually saw Deacon’s dad slap him on the back with the same twinkle in his eye that Deacon gets when he’s tickled by something. This was going to be an interesting albeit tense weekend.

  Deacon stood stock still as he watched his father’s approach. Mr. Sloan smiled and gave a nod to Melody, but his radar was tuned to me. When he was close enough to grab, that’s exactly what he did. He pulled me into a hug that almost brought tears to my eyes. My own family was affectionate, but we didn’t walk up and hug strangers. We were Lincolns after all. Mr. Sloan either didn’t get the etiquette memo or he clearly didn’t give a shit because he’d decided I was a member of the family. I found myself hugging him back with the same fierceness so I guess I didn’t care about etiquette or memos either.

  He pulled back and the twinkle remained, only this time, I saw dimples. He wore his chambray workshirt and Levi’s like a champ and I could tell there were muscles under that shirt that came from hard work everyday and not from some gym or workout with a personal trainer. The man standing before me was as solid as an oak tree and happy that I was there. I found myself relaxing and smiling back as if we were family, all nervousness or doubt melting away. I hadn’t even been introduced and I liked him already.

  He kissed my cheek and took a step back.

  “I’m Grant Sloan, but please call me Grant... or Dad. Everyone else does. That beautiful woman over there in the apron is my wife Bree. She’d love it if you called her Mom, but if it’s too soon, please call her Bree.”

  His voice was deep and rich and I wondered if he sang in a church choir on Sundays. My fanciful ideas were cut off in mid thought when Deacon opened his ornery mouth.

  “Quit mauling her Dad, it’s not what you think.”

Grant waved him away as if he were an annoying insect of some kind, but never took his eyes off of me when he answered.

  “It’s exactly what I think. You only have to take one look at her to see that she’s your type Deke, even if she is ten times sweeter than you and probably more than you deserve. You did good son.”

  I kept smiling and now instead of blinking, I was batting my eyes playfully. I heard a chuckle that probably came from Anton and a frustrated sigh that I recognized as Deacon’s. I was so going to pay for my insolent behavior but I didn’t care. Before Deacon could deflate my happy balloon, I had to take one more swipe at him in front of his parents. I kissed Grant on the cheek and smiled at Bree who was more than happy to smile back.

  “Dad, I was telling Deke that just the other day. He doesn’t think he has a type, but I reminded him that I was exactly his type. He’s such a gentleman, so far he’ll only hold my hand or put his arm around me in public. I’ve known him two months and he hasn’t even kissed me yet.”

  I sighed for effect and Grant’s smile broadened.

  “He’s so romantic.”

  That last part was thrown in for effect and let me tell you, I got a reaction alright. Anton started rolling in laughter and Melody joined in at the sound. I was dumb enough to hazard a look at Deacon and steam was coming out of his ears. I was in so much trouble, I’d need waders to get out of this one.

  He was at my side in an instant, shooting daggers that were hard to deflect. I screwed up big time and I knew it. All I could do was try to repair the damage and save him the effort. Something told me that no matter how much denial he threw out there, they’d believe me instead of him. They had their grandchild antennae up and I was their walking vessel.

  I cleared my throat and bumped my shoulder against Deacon’s in a playful manner. I could tell it took him off guard and whatever he was getting ready to say, froze on his lips. He was giving me one chance to make this right and if I wanted to keep my friend, I knew I’d better not blow it.

  “Grant, Bree, I’m sorry for that. I know I gave you the wrong impression but sometimes I can’t help pushing Deke’s buttons. He’s so easy once you know him. I’m Dorothy Lincoln and I’m writing his biography. I’m here to hopefully ask you two some questions about his childhood, for the book. He and I have become good friends, practically best friends actually, and sometimes I can’t help myself. Please accept my apologies.”

  Their smiles didn’t falter for a second and there I was, nervous once again. I looked up at Deacon who was standing close enough to touch, and he was smiling as well. I guess my attempt wasn’t lost on him and his eyes told me that I was forgiven. He draped his arm around my shoulder, shocking me, and I couldn’t tell if he was getting even or just being Deacon. It could be either.

  “Dad, she’s a pistol and you have to get used to her sense of humor. She’s a great girl though, you’re right about that. Just answer anything she asks honestly. Dor’ can be trusted, she’s practically family.”

  Wow. Practically family. The words hung in the air like pleasant Spring fog and I took them for the compliment they were meant to be. I smiled up at Deke and he smiled back. Wrong move. I heard his mother sigh and Deacon closed his eyes. I stifled a giggle and remembered my sister.

  “Where are my manners? Grant, Bree, Anton, Pierce, this is my sister Melody. Mel’ for short. She’s a fashion designer and one of my closest friends as well. She was free this weekend and I thought time away would do her some good.”

  Melody smiled at everyone, but her eyes lingered on Pierce while Anton’s eyes roamed her perfect form. Poor Pierce looked like that flailing swimmer in that shark movie. He was caught and she wasn’t letting go. Strange that. I would have bet my imaginary farm that she would have latched on to Anton.

  Grant hugged her next and she responded warmly, but I was silently glad that the hug he gave her was nothing like the hug he gave me. I, was practically family and I thought I felt my ovaries twitch at the thought. This family obviously had exceptional genes and I could do worse. Wait. What the hell I was I thinking? Deke was practically my brother. My compadre. My buddy. Would it be like kissing my first cousin? There. That did it. My hormones leveled out nicely at that thought and I fought a shiver of disgust.

  Deacon still had his arm around my shoulder when he led us to the kitchen table. He pulled my chair out and Anton rushed to do the same for Mel’. She smiled at him and Anton started to do that blinking thing that I’ve perfected over a lifetime. Holy catnip. Anton was smitten with Melody. Man was I gonna have some fun with THIS over the weekend. Pierce slid into the chair on the other side of me, and I shoulder bumped him and smiled. Our shy Pierce grinned, blushed and bumped me back. This did not go unnoticed by the masses.

  Bree sighed again and smiled, obviously thrilled to have a little more estrogen in the room. Grant was rolling up his sleeves as he joined her in the kitchen. She was kneading dough of some kind and he began to wash his hands. Bree’s eyes flitted over the five of us at the table and I could tell she was thinking about future Christmas’ and Christenings. My mom had nothing on Bree Sloan. When she spoke, it was as enchanting as silver bells.

  “I’m so glad that the two of you could join us. I can tell we’re going to have a wonderful weekend. I hope you girls like Pictionary and Charades. It’s our normal Friday night fare around here when the boys come home. We make homemade pizza and ice cream and catch up over dinner, then I kick their asses at game time.”

  I think I swallowed my tongue. Bree Sloan just said, “kick their asses”. I couldn’t have been more shocked if the phrase had been uttered by a priest at Sunday mass. Anton caught my expression and started laughing again. He elbowed my sister and tipped his head in my direction. My expression must have been priceless because Melody began cackling so hard she threw in a few snorts as well. This got Pierce laughing and I could feel the blush creeping up my neck.

  I glanced at Deacon who was fighting it as hard as he could. The man scored a few brownie points, but I could see the laughter close to the surface, threatening to explode at any moment. I leaned over and whispered so that only he could hear.

  “So help me god Deke, if you laugh, I’ll kiss you right here in front of everyone and not even bat an eye while I do it. Your folks will be buying the home pregnancy test and picking out the nursery colors. You know me. I’ll do it.”

  Deacon leaned back and looked at me in amusement. Uh-oh. That threat was designed to make him quiver in his boots not look at me as if to say, “I dare ya’.” The asshat didn’t think I’d do it. I wasn’t sure I’d do it, but he didn’t believe it at all.

  I had a theory about that. As close as we were, I’d never shown my daring side yet. My sister knew it was there, she saw it in full force when I shot down Hamm. I would never pass up a dare, and our relationship was still so new, Deacon didn’t know that about me. That had to be the only explanation there was. Why else would he turn the torpedoes on his own boat? He did not think I would do it.

  Just as I was thinking about letting this one slide, he did the unthinkable. He leaned over and whispered, “I fucking dare you.”

  Well hell, that was all I needed to hear. Dare me? He DARED me? To a Lincoln, those were fighting words. I have a theory that says Abraham Lincoln himself only started the Civil War because some general leaned over and said, “I dare you”. I can’t prove that of course, but in my heart I know it’s true.

  I did the only thing I could do. I rested my palm on his cheek, smiled sweetly and pressed my lips to his.

  You know how in those racy romance novels they always say something about an “electrical charge” passed through them at the first touch or the first kiss? I never bought that for a second. That’s one of the reasons I stopped reading those as a matter of fact. It stank of bullshit to me. I’ve kissed my share of guys and I figured I would know if that actually happened. Apparently, I never kissed the right guy.

  My eyes flew open and I was staring into Deacon’s. His were g
rowing darker by the second and then he closed them again. He groaned and I could feel it all the way to my toes. His tongue touched my bottom lip and I whimpered, but I didn’t pull back. That little electrical current turned into a transformer exploding and I could not have pulled back if a team of Clydesdales had been tugging at me. It turned out I didn’t have to. Neither one of us were aware of our surroundings until Anton spoke up in a teasing voice.

  “Just friends huh? Yeah. Right. I knew it.”

  Deacon jerked away from me so fast, it was if he’d discovered I had untreated herpes. No one was laughing any longer. All eyes were glued to us and my eyes were glued to Deacon’s. That’s when I saw it. I’d crossed the line. My smart mouth had gotten me into a lot of situations, but this was by far the worst. I watched as the walls came up and he shut down. The distance between us could not have been greater if he were in L.A. and I were still in Manhattan. I’d lost my best friend and I felt something heavy in my chest that I couldn’t identify yet, but I knew I’d have plenty of time to identify it later. Deacon was lost to me.

  I cleared my throat and looked at the group that had been shocked into silence as they contemplated what they were seeing. I could tell that they still hadn’t formed a conclusion, so I jumped to try and salvage the situation.

  “It was nothing. We ARE just friends. I told him if he laughed I would embarrass the hell out of him by kissing him, and he dared me. That’s all it was. Everybody stand down.”

  That seemed to settle everyone down and they continued talking, laughing, and kneading. It didn’t matter. The damage was done. I could tell by the frost that was forming on the left side of my body where my ex-best friend was sitting. I knew if I looked at him, that heavy feeling would turn into the Rock of Gibraltar, so I didn’t bother. My fragile mind wouldn’t allow it. I needed Deacon. I’d never thought about it before because he was always there. His friendship meant the world to me and I’d lost it. I’d thrown it away on a stupid whim and I couldn’t take it back. I did the only thing I could do given the circumstance.