Chapter and Verse Page 8
“Damn it. I am NOT a...”
“Relax Deke. I’m only yankin’ your chain. Are you hungry?”
“I could eat. What are you thinkin’?”
“I could whip up some fried chicken and potato salad if you’re interested.”
“Isn’t that a lot of bother?”
I stood and started for the kitchen.
“Nope. I like to cook if I’m not the only one eating. Too many leftovers if I am. You should stop by more often. I could feed you and we’ll get to know one another better. The more I know, the faster I’ll get the book done.”
He followed me as far as the breakfast bar and sat down on a stool while he watched me work.
“When the book’s done, will you still be my friend?”
I stopped cutting up the fryer at the sad tone of his voice.
“You need to know something about me Deacon Sloan. If you’re my friend, you have to do something to undo that. Betray me, lie to me, something catastrophic that I can’t recover from. I don’t have many friends, so I cherish the ones I do have. You won’t get rid of me just because our business relationship is over. Capiche?”
“You’re sexy when you speak a foreign language. Know any other words?”
“I can say fuck off in six different ones. Want to tempt me?”
“Nope. I want chicken.”
“Good answer.”
We ate chicken and potato salad and laughed ourselves stupid. He told me how he started the company and what motivated him to do it. Then he talked about his brothers and I learned a lot. Anton is the shit stirrer and outgoing one, Pierce is shy and the open book. He loves his brothers like I love my sister. I got the impression his family was close and he spoke vaguely about his parents. I didn’t push it, but I knew I would have to. I didn’t think there were any dark secrets there, it was more like he was protecting them. I get that in a way. My folks were notable and open for public scrutiny. His weren’t and I respected that.
In the end, we spent all day and most of the evening together. We ended up watching a movie and it turns out we’re both couch critics. That’s a plus. We made a lunch date for the next day and he left around nine o’clock. I hadn’t spent that much time with a man in ages and it struck me that very little of it was uncomfortably spent. The rehashing of the Hamm tale was a bitch, but even that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
I cleaned the kitchen, turned off the lights and brushed my teeth. When I climbed into bed, I thought about how much I’d learned and how few notes I’d taken. It’s a good thing total recall was my strong point. When my alarm rang at six, I didn’t even remember falling asleep.
Chapter Six
The next month flew by. I’d outlined several chapters in Deacon’s biography and I knew he’d appreciate the candor and the humor. His brothers were right. He was a great guy and I was determined to get that point across to the reading public.
He spent several nights a week at my place having dinner and several nights I brought dinner to his penthouse. There were a few personal items lying around, but for the most part, it was pure decorator chic. I asked him about it and he shrugged and said it was functional so he didn’t see the sense in changing it. I let it go, but I have to say I was disappointed. He admitted though, he liked my place better so we spent the majority of our time there.
We were becoming besties and I liked that. I think he did too, although he never said as much. He did say I was his “best girl” and I took that for what it was worth. Deacon Sloan was a difficult man to know by design, so to be considered his “best girl”, well, that was saying something.
We went to a few public functions together and true to his word, he never deserted me again. My walls were down and I knew it made me vulnerable, but quite honestly, I didn’t care. If you can’t trust your best friend, who can you trust?
I interviewed Anton and Pierce and found both men remarkable and cut of the same cloth as Deacon. His parents must have had their heads screwed on straight where their sons were concerned and I couldn’t wait to meet them.
As well as dinners, we often shared lunch in his office. I’m not exactly sure when it became the norm, but we enjoyed each other’s company and would often watch the weather channel in his office while we shared sandwiches or take out. After awhile, it became natural to trade sandwich halves so that we could try each other’s selection and more than once, we’d pilfer from one another’s plates. When he was in town, we hung out. Even if we lunched together, he’d still come by for dinner unless he had a date. He wasn’t lying when he said he spent more nights alone that not and on those evenings, he was with me until it was time for him to go home.
It wasn’t until well after a month in that shit hit the fan in a major way. In all fairness, I can say I didn’t start it, nor did I end it. It sort of simmered and then blew up.
I had two calzones and a six-pack of soft drinks in my hand when I started down the hall for Deacon’s office. He’d phoned me earlier and asked if I was free for lunch. He said he had an eleven o’clock, so if he was late, I could just go on in and wait for him. This wasn’t unusual, so I laughed and told him I’d be there.
As I approached Miranda at her post and looking perfect and smug, I smiled and said hello. Then I started around her. The door didn’t click.
I turned around and she was staring at me.
“Could you get the door please?”
“I could, but I’m not sure I should.”
“What? Why not? Deacon told me he might be a little late and I should go on in. We’ve done this before and you’ve always been in the know. What gives?”
She rose from her chair and came to stand directly in front of me, hands clenched into fists at her sides, her attitude firmly in place on her face.
“What’s your game Dorothy?”
“My what? I’m here to have lunch, shoot the breeze and check out the weather.”
“I’m sure you are.”
She didn’t sound sure. She sounded suspicious and I didn’t care for her implication.
“Miranda, if you have a problem with me, I wish you’d spit it out. The calzones are getting cold.”
“Oh you think you’re so special, playing the friendship angle don’t you?”
Now I was confused as all hell and she was getting on my nerves.
“I have no idea what you think, but you are way off base lady. Deacon and I are friends and nothing more. There are no angles and no games. We live in the same building. We have dinner together, we laugh, we have lunch together and I’m writing his biography. We like each other. That’s it.”
“Don’t you play innocent with me missy. You think I haven’t been here before? Better women than you have tried to snag him and have been kicked to the curb for their efforts. He is so not into you, it’s not funny. You’re going to get your heart broken and you’d better wise up and realize that.”
“I doubt that, since we’re not romantically linked. You however, have me worried. You’re infatuation with my friend is glaringly obvious and borders on embarrassing. You really should turn it down a notch.”
“How dare you! You don’t know me or anything about me!”
“You’re right and you don’t know me either. What I know is what I see. And I see you making crazy eyes at the man every time you’re near him. I’d say if there’s heartbreak to be had it’ll be yours. Not mine.”
I never heard him approach and by the look on her face, neither did she.
“What in the hell is going on here? Dor’, why are you standing in the hall with our lunch? Is the door release broken?”
I looked at Miranda when I answered.
“No clue.”
Deacon turned his focus on his assistant.
“I don’t think so, no.”
He crossed his arms and cocked his head.
“Okay then, answer the original question. What’s going on?”
“Your assistant wanted to clarify som
e things with me. We were just having a few words before I went in.”
“It looked heated to me.”
“They were passionate words. No biggie.”
“Uh-huh. Miranda? Care to add anything?”
“No Deacon. I’ll release the door.”
The way she said it, it felt like she wanted to say, “I’ll release the hounds”. She wasn’t done with me but I could hold my own so I wasn’t worried.
Deacon inserted a key and opened the door himself before she could get back to her desk. Once we were inside, he turned to me and smiled.
“I’ll get you a key made so that you can come and go as you please.”
I started pulling our lunch from the bag and I handed him a soda.
“You don’t have to do that Deke.”
“I don’t have to, but I will. I want you to feel comfortable here.”
“Well then thanks. I’ll make sure you get it back when the book’s done.”
His smile faltered as he sat down and I joined him on the other side of his desk.
“I don’t want it back. I’m giving it to you because I want you to have it. I want my friend to have a key. Is that a problem?”
I took a bite of my calzone and reached for my purse. He was eating and watching the weather channel. I fumbled with my keyring and he only noticed when he saw me slide something across his desk.
“What’s this?”
“It’s a key to my apartment. If I’m ever late getting home or you want a quiet place to think, feel free.”
“Wow. You’re keying me.”
His eyes were twinkling and I knew he was razzing me, but I took the bait anyway.
“No I’m not and if I start noticing your laundry mixed in with mine, we’re gonna have words.”
He laughed and winked, key and explanation accepted.
That’s how we were. Everything I said to Miranda was the gospel truth. My sister had a key to my place and so did my folks. Now Deacon had one too. It didn’t seem strange or uncomfortable and I didn’t expect a key to his place. We spent more time at mine and we were both more comfortable there. I don’t think the man has a piece of fruit in his kitchen that isn’t wax, so I was glad to feed him. I didn’t have to eat alone that way, and the company was always pleasant. We were kinda like Forrest and Jenny without the running away, the awkwardness or the sex scene. We were well matched like a favorite pair of shoes.
That night over dinner, I was quizzing him about his college years and teasing him once again about his dating history. He was used to it and took it in stride while he sipped his beer and answered questions. He wore loose fitting pajama pants and a plain white t-shirt, I wore a pair of shorts and a long pajama top that covered the shorts to mid thigh. We were both barefoot and settled next to one another on the sofa. The Weather Channel was on the TV, but muted. This was our norm. He poked me in the thigh with his finger and I looked up from my notes.
“You wanna meet my folks?”
“Are you serious?”
“Of course I’m serious. Why do you ask?”
I started playing with the hem of my shirt, afraid to look him in the eye because he knew me well enough that he’d know I was about to tease the shit out of him.
“Well it’s a big step Deke. Meeting the folks and all. I didn’t know we were that far along in our relationship.”
I heard him gulp and he saw the grin on my downturned face.
“You are evil Lincoln. That wasn’t funny.”
I looked up, the snarky grin still plastered on my face.
“The hell it wasn’t. Admit it. You were scared shitless for a second there.”
“Maybe, but it wasn’t because it was you. I want you to meet my folks. I can’t help it if I’m skittish about... you know.”
“I do and I’m sorry. But you know me Deke. I’d only say something like that if I was kidding. Right?”
He shrugged and grinned back, relaxed once again.
“Yeah, I guess so. You had me there for a minute though.”
“Then my work here is done. When were you thinking about heading to Vermont?”
“We’re ahead of schedule on something and we’re taking Friday off. I thought we’d go up and meet the guys up there. We’ll head back on Sunday. You game?”
“Heck yeah I’m game! A weekend in the country sounds perfect. May I suggest something?”
His hand was resting on my thigh just above my knee and when I turned towards him, he squeezed and moved it to his own thigh.
“I’m open to any and all suggestions.”
“You lie like a cheap rug Sloan, but I’m going to suggest it all the same. Can I invite Melody?”
“Your sister? I guess so. Why? Are you afraid of the testosterone cloud?”
I giggled and nudged his shoulder.
“Don’t be an asshat Deacon. I’m thinking it might be smart on our part to include my sister.”
He furrowed his brow, his signal for confusion. I was totally able to read him now, and I knew that he could read me.
“Smart how?”
“Think about it a minute. I’m going out on a limb here, so correct me if I’m wrong. I’m going by my folks. They’d tie me up and try artificial insemination if they thought they could get away with it. They want grandchildren and they want them sooner rather than later. Sound familiar?”
“Dor’, you have no idea. My parents want all of us settled down with ‘nice girls’ and an assurance that we’re working diligently on heirs.”
“Exactly my point. If you and I go alone, what will they think right off the bat? I mean, I don’t want to blow my own horn here, but I’m quite a catch. I have my own money, I come from a wealthy family, I’m the right age, I’m your type, and I’m single. What are they supposed to think? If we bring Melody, it’ll look like a bunch of friends going to the country for a weekend. Deacon, think about it. Who brings their sister on a romantic weekend to meet the family?”
He was staring at me intently, but he was deep in thought. I had no idea what he was thinking. I gave him time to formulate his response and he did.
“You think you’re my type? I didn’t know I had a ‘type’.”
“That’s what you gleaned from all of that?”
“Hey I was listening and I think you’re right. Invite Melody. I’d like to get to know her if she’s like you. Is she? Like you?”
“Yes and no. She’s a fashion designer and she travels in some pretty big circles. She’s more like my mother than me, but she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty and she can be loads of fun to be around once she gets to know you. I think you’ll like her okay. I think Anton will like her more than you though.”
“Anton? Why Anton?”
“She’s a practical joker just like he is. They’ll be like two peas in a pod, I’m tellin’ ya. They’ll be as inseparable as you and me, wait and see.”
“That’s twice now.”
“Twice now what?”
He was noticing something I wasn’t and I needed him to fill in the blanks for me.
“First tell me something. What’s my type? It’s from your viewpoint and I understand that. Having said that, what do you think my type is?”
I shrugged because I thought it was obvious. The fact that he’d never pegged it confounded me in a way.
“Well, you seem to prefer blondes and chesty blondes at that. You like women that aren’t stuck on themselves and they need to know when it’s okay to kid around and when it’s not. You need to be respected and I get that. You’ve earned that respect. And above all else, there can be no expectations on their part. No demands on your time or presence. You want them to live in the moment. They also have to understand that you’re in control. That’s a hard limit.”
I stopped there because that was all I had, but it was enough. I could see it on his face.
He reached over and took my hand, threading his fingers through mine.
; “You see a lot Dorothy Lincoln. More than I do it seems.”
“Did I get close?”
He met my eyes and held them as he spoke.
“A lot closer than I thought you’d get.”
Now anyone else might see a double meaning there. Me? No way. Our friendship might have fuzzy boundaries, but there were lines we didn’t cross. We held hands and he always put his arm around me at functions, but there was no hidden meaning of any kind. It was what it was and we both knew it. I took what he said at face value and smiled. He smiled back.
“So I’ll call Mel’ tomorrow and see if she’s free. You’re folks will be so confused at the influx of women, they won’t know who to harass. Sound like a plan?”
“Sounds like a perfect plan. Oh - the house has five bedrooms so you and Mel’ will have to share a room. Is that a problem?”
“It won’t be the first time, so no. We’ll both be fine with that. I have to say I can’t wait. I hope they like me.”
“You’re the first girl I’ve ever brought home Dor’. They’re gonna love you.”
His eyes twinkled in mischief and his dimples were prominently displayed. I dropped his hand and crossed my arms.
“Evil cow.”
We both started laughing and the interview continued.
Melody was suspicious at first, but when I explained everything, she jumped right on board. She did have a few question, which I expected.
“Are his brothers as hot as he is?”
I had to think about that one. They were attractive, sure. But Deacon hot? No way.
“They all resemble one another, but they’ve got distinctly different personalities.”
“Dor’, if you’re gonna give me the, ‘he’s got a great personality’ speech, I’m bailing now.”
“They do, but that’s not what I’m saying. Anton has dark brown hair and Deke’s build, but he’s got blue eyes and he’s more outwardly playful. Pierce has Deke’s black hair, but Anton’s blue eyes. He’s the shy one, so be careful with him. Take your time with Pierce. He’s a honeybear and everyone’s protective of him.”